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Suffering From Sleep Problems - 5 Tips To Help You Get Over Them!!!!

Suffering From Sleep Problems - 5 Tips To Help You Get Over Them!!!!


Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for mental and physical wellbeing. Ideally, one should get at least 8 hours of continuous sleep every night. However, some people find this hard to achieve. They may have trouble going to sleep, wake up frequently or have a very poor quality sleep.

Here are a few tips to help you improve your sleep:

  1. Set a sleep schedule: Like children, adults also need to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This should be followed for at least 6 days a week. Having asleep in the day may seem like a good idea but this can affect your ability to go to sleep in time at night and make you wake up the next morning feeling tired. Hence, train your body to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

  2. Avoid stimulants after sunset: Nicotine and caffeine can be very detrimental to your sleep cycle. The effects of these substances can often last for hours. Caffeine not only makes it difficult to fall asleep but can also make a person wake up frequently at night. Alcohol can make a person seem sleepy initially but can make him or her wake up earlier than usual and hence, disrupt the sleep schedule. So, avoid these substances for at least a few hours before going to bed. Instead, you could drink a cup of calming chamomile tea to soothe the nerves and help you sleep well.

  3. Create the right sleep atmosphere: Ban the television, tablet and other mobile screens from your bedroom. The light from these devices makes it difficult to fall asleep and the material being seen can play on your mind for hours and make you toss and turn. Make your room as dark as possible to make it easier to fall asleep. Using blackout curtains can be a good idea. Also, make sure the noise and temperature levels are conducive to sleep.

  4. Exercise: Exercise has many benefits. This includes better sleep quality. A workout tires the body and reduces the chances of waking up in the middle of the night. However, the timing of your exercise routine is very important. The ideal time for a workout is in the early morning or early evening. Do not work out just before going to bed as this can have a stimulating effect on the mind.

  5. Limit naps: Avoid napping through the day. While this may seem like a good way to catch up on sleep, it can have a detrimental effect on the quality of your night sleep. If you must nap in the afternoon, keep it short. Training your body to associate sleep with darkness can make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Hence, if you are also having any sort of troubles with your sleep, immediately apply the above-discussed tips in your daily life and you will see the results within a few days.

Article Taken From - www.lybrate.com

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